Are you considering listing your home this Spring? Do you have a plan?
Here are some tips on what you should be doing NOW in order to be ready for the Spring real estate market.
1) Get pre-approved or update a previous/recent pre-approval to make sure nothing has changed and that there aren't any new surprises on your credit. Getting pre-approved allows us to go look at houses right away after we list your home!
2) Start de-cluttering a little bit every day, perhaps one room at a time now before it becomes a huge chore to do all at once. We like the 3-1 method. 3 piles for 1 room, a donation pile, a keep pile, and a toss pile. If you focus on one room at a time the task of de-cluttering won't seem so daunting!
3) Paint the "crazy color bedrooms" and/or touch up the paint in the high traffic areas of your home. If you do plan on touching up some spots, you can peel of a piece of paint (larger than the size of a quarter) and bring it to your local paint store and have them match the color!
4) Tackle any repair items that need a pro now because good help is rarely available immediately and it might take a few weeks or more to have a qualified repair agent actually make the repair you need before listing your home for sale.
The Spring real estate market will be here before you know and we are here to help! If you have any questions regarding this information or anything real estate related you can contact Jason Kraemer at 612-308-8574 or by email at