If you've ever been curious to know what it takes to a buy a home, then this is for you! Join us at Rock Elm Tavern on Thursday May 16th from 6pm-8pm for some light appetizers and the opportunity to ask questions regarding buying a home! It's totally free, no strings attached. WE don't make you sign anything! It's simply educational!
Get answers to your questions like
"What does my credit score need to look like?"
"How much money do I really need for a down payment?"
"What does the current real estate market look like?"
"How long does it take till I can close on a home?"
You will be able to ask questions and get answers from a professional mortgage lender and a professional real estate agent!
Spots are limited, so please RSVP soon. A waiting list will be implemented for those that miss your chance!
Contact us today if you have any questions!
Reserve your spot: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buying-a-home-101-tickets-61061132491?aff=efbeventtix