Any home can have a radon problem! Here are a few things to know about radon.
What is radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring odorless, colorless, radioactive gas formed by decaying uranium in soil, rocks, sediments and even well or ground water.
How does radon get into a home?
Radon gas moves from the soil into a home and gets trapped. Gaps in walls and floors are the worst entry points of radon, although radon can also seep directly through pores in concrete.
Each home may have a different radon reading, even in the same neighborhood. Radon levels in a home depend on the way your specific house interacts with the surrounding soil.
What can you do during national radon action month?
According to the EPA, here are five things you can do during national radon action month. One) test your home Two) Attend a national radon action month event in your area Three) spread the word Four) spend time during national radon action month encouraging others to learn about radon and test their homes Five) buy a radon resistant home.
Here are some helpful links to learn more
Sources: US EPA, Family Handyman magazine